Dad in Despair, oil on canvas paper
Untitled, metalpoint on canvas paper
B&W portrait, oil on paper
Red Portrait 1, oil on canvas paper
Red Portrait 2, oil on canvas paper
Red Portrait 3, oil on canvas coard
Surprised portrait, digital
Blue self portrait, digital
Untitled, acrylic on paper
Hank, oil on canvas
Oscar, oil on canvas
Legs, digital
Clarinet hands, oil on paper
Shadow puppet, oil on paper
Cemetery at sunset, oil on canvas board
Lamp still life, oil on canvas board
Gourd Still Life, oil on canvas board
Not Really Realism
Frog pedestrian, acrylic on board
Crab Lady, acrylic on paper
Caterpillar Lady, acrylic on paper
Mosquito Ocean, acrylic on paper
Mr Candy, oil and metal foil on canvas board
Griswald, oil on canvas board
Salmon, watercolor
Aboard/Depart, stab binding book (click for more images)
Field Notes and Observations of Helen's Island, case bound book (click for more images)
Murex, saddle stitch binding book (click for more images)
Possum, wire sculpture
Paw vase, ceramic
Illustration & Design
Swamp Head logo, digital
Resurrected chicken nugget, digital
Resurrected chicken nugget (secular), digital
Gorgonops head, digital
Frog Juice Box template, digital
Shrimp Brain, etching
Frog Life, etching
Dino Spine, etching
Vincents eating, etching
Gaddi Torso, etching
Scioto Deer, drypoint
portrait, etching
Toad Stool, monotype
portrait, monotype
Broken TV, drypoint
Eel hands, etching
Vivien eating, drypoint
Parrot, drypoint
Cicada, monotype
Printing layout side 1A
Printing layout side 1B
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Printing layout side 2B
Printing layout side 3A
Printing layout side 3B
Printing layout side 4A
Printing layout side 4B